Alzhiemer’s research

You Can Be An Alzheimer’s researcher!

How can you play a part in solving some of the biggest problems facing our planet? Enter citizen science, where volunteers help scientists collect data for their studies and experiments. Anyone can be a citizen scientist. All you need is curiosity and a willingness to help!

Stall Catchers is an online game that anyone can play – no experience necessary. Currently, catchers range from 6 to 88 years old. In the game, you look at movies from the brains of mice and try to identify vessels as flowing or stalled. This helps to speed up Alzheimer’s disease research at Cornell University.

Stall Catchers is a citizen science project developed by the Human Computation Institute. The idea was born on February 19, 2014, when after being introduced by a mutual colleague, Pietro Michelucci spoke with Chris Schaffer, whose lab was in need of citizen scientists’ help.

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