67th Annual
AAUW Art Fair on the Green
Viterbo University Courtyard
Saturday, July 26th, 2025
10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Artist’s information is also posted on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/AauwArtFairOnTheGreen/.
And, on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/artfaironthegreen/.
Please visit these social media pages and share the posts.
Donations towards student scholarships are welcomed. Art Fair on the Green has been a tradition in La Crosse for 65 years raising money for scholarships. Thank you all for your support!
Volunteers are always needed! Please contact Marla French, the Art Fair on the Green Volunteer Coordinator, by calling (or texting) 385-7432 or by emailing mmfrench1959@gmail.com
It takes many people to make this event run smoothly so look at the volunteer opportunities Marla French, Volunteer Coordinator, has outlined elsewhere in the Current. We will still need greeters at the entrance tents to welcome patrons and request donations.
Three BOOTH SITTERS are needed between noon and 2:00, allowing a short break for the artists who have no one else to cover their booth.
At 5:00, as the fair ends, TAKE DOWN help is needed. We’re all tired at the end of the day, so
with many hands, the job will be expedited and we can all go home happy, instead of totally exhausted!
Please contact me, Marla French, by phone, text, or email with your availability. I’ll respond as soon as possible, very appreciative that I didn’t have to initiate the contact!
The art fair will again be held for one day at Viterbo University from 10:00am- 5:00pm. We will have 70+ artists, food trucks, and of course, the raffle will be held. We will not be charging admission again this year. This event is a great place to find that unusual gift as well as to buy artwork for your own enjoyment.
Please check out the list of the scholarship recipients this year. These awards and scholarships are made possible by your dedication and hard work on AAUW Art Fair on the Green.
Come out and support us on July 29th!
More Information & applications
2024 Event – www.artfaironthegreen.org