Monthly Meetings

AAUW-La Crosse Meeting Reservationist, email from Robert Richardson

Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025

LOCATION: 102 Liberty Street Winona MN 55987.   GO TO THE ANNEX PARKING LOT (free parking). Access the Annex from the Watkins Company parking lot

at the corner of Liberty & 3rd Street in Winona. PLEASE IGNORE ANY SIGNAGE THAT SAYS EMPLOYYEE PARKING!! The Annex is handicapped accessible as is the walkway to the Museum.  

10:00-10:25am: Gathering in the Annex of the Kashubian Cultural Institute & Polish Museum (address and parking details provided at end of message).

Agenda:  Open Discussion – Winona Heritage is tied to the immigration of Kashubian Polish people who immigrated to America as a cultural people who were outcasts in Poland at that time.  Winona was a “booming lumber town” and needed a workforce.  Subsequently, they enhanced and added to the wealth of Winona.

Luncheon:  Beno’s Deli assorted sandwich trays.


2025 – January

BOARD MEETING: Tuesday,  Jan. 7th, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
For more info email Lema Kabashi, President:

MEETING: Saturday, Jan. 11th, Topic:  Housing for all in La Crosse

Where: Viterbo University School of Nursing, Rm 195, 10th and Jackson Streets, La Crosse, Parking available in the lot next to the building


Past Meetings:

December 7th, 2024

.   Nov 2024 program flyer- click here

Topic: Workplace Futures for Women
Speaker:s: Melissa Klein, Tena Bailey, and Crhistina Mehrkens



October 12th, 2024 Meeting
Topic: Everyone Vote: It Matters
Speaker: Christine Haskell League of Women Voters La Crosse
When: Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024
Where: Viterbo University School of Nursing, Rm 195

Topic: Voting rights in the United States have not come easily for all Americans. On August 22, 1924, several La Crosse women recognized that education and experience would be needed to assure the American public that democracy works best when all voices are heard. They formed the local chapter of LWV. The League is still working today to empower voters and defend democracy by ensuring voters have the information they need to participate in every election. The slogan of the 2024 voter outreach of our League of Women Voters is “Every- one Vote! Are You Ready?” This program will explore how each of us can talk to reluctant voters about why every- one should vote and how they can get ready.

Chris Haskell is a longtime resident of La Crosse who, as a public school teacher for 35 years, loved her work. She began volunteering with The

League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area in 2016 because she believes in our Democracy. Currently she is the LWV chair of the Voter Services Team and serves on the Board of Directors, the Observer Corps, and the Communications Team.

Find AAUW Election Resources at You will find a non-partisan guide to help you learn about key issues advancing equity.

September 2024

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024.
Members and guests are welcome to attend.
Time:  5:00 PM to 700 PM
Potluck Dinner
English Lutheran Church
1509 King Street, La Crosse, WI

Tuesday, September 1, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m., Via Zoom

May 2024

Transition Meeting & Potluck Wednesday, May 8, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Place: 1st Congregational UCC, 2503 Main Street, La Crosse
This meeting brings together outgoing, continuing and new BOD officers to share information, responsibilities of office, plans and identified needs. All elected and appointed officers are encouraged to come. Everyone is welcome.

When: Saturday, May 11th, 2024. @ 9:30 a.m. registration
Program: Plan to meet an assembly of exceptional, barrier-breaking AAUW Scholarship recipients from our area high schools and colleges.
Program Monderatores: Members of the Scholarships & Grants Committee.
Guests: Grant Recipients Representative.

Note: Members who do not wish to come for brunch, are welcome to attend the program at no charge.

RSVP to email message from Robert Richardson by April 7. Please reply with a yes or no.

As any of the scholarship application readers can attest, our scholarship recipients deserve this celebration! And, it provides validation that AAUW members expend valuable efforts in our annual presentation of Art Fair on the Green.

AAUW will host 30-40 guests at this celebration. We will recognize 20 scholarship recipients. Each recipient has been invited to bring a guest. Meeting these enthusiastic young people creates a meaningful experience for all in attendance.

Our branch does not charge the recipients or guests for these meals. Historically, AAUW members have contributed you can pay upon arrival at the brunch on May 11th. Thank you for your generosity. By covering these brunch costs, we avoid reliance on the branch budget.

To extend our hospitality, we will reserve at each table-group one or two seats for a recipient or a recipient & guest. The mixed seating arrangement and casual conversation will provide a meaningful way for AAUW members to become acquainted with our guests and visa versa.

Collection at May Meeting

Centro Latino is a local advocacy and support agency serving our ever-growing Latino community. At the May program meeting we are collecting diapers for babies of all ages. This is a special request from Centro Latino. They also will welcome at this time of year infant clothes.

Centro Latino, 1209 Main St. La Crosse Mon 6-8 pm & Tue 10-2 pm, 6-8 pm

They are looking for legal assistance related to immigration papers and work-eligibility documents. Do you know any lawyers?

Thank you for your generosity!!!


April 2024

When: Saturday, April 13th, 2024. @ 9:30 a.m. registration
Program: Scholarship Awards,
AAUW-La Crosse Annual Meeting, and
Installation of 2024-25 Officers.
Hosts: Scholarships & Grants Committee
Guests: Grant Recipients Representative


March 2024

Saturday, March 9, 2024. @ 9:30 a.m. registration
Speakers:  Rebecca Mormann Krieger and Denise Christy Moss
Program: Enduring Families Project, Black Women’s Literary and Debating Society in the 19th Century.

Printable poster link: March 9 program flyer

Presenters: Rebecca Mormann Krieger and Denise Christy Moss

Rebecca and Denise will share the history of the African American Women’s Literary and Debating Society in La Crosse, WI and of their current work with the Enduring Families Project.

Literary and Debate Societies were popular among free people of color in northern states. Many women in La Crosse that founded the society came from New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. They brought the society idea with them.

Starting in the 1850’s the African American Women’s Literary and Debating Society began to organize the Emancipation Day celebration for the liberation of enslaved peopleinHaiti. AfricanAmericansettlements had appeared in Grant and Vernon Counties. The black population from around the state traveled to La Crosse to celebrate what was yet to happen in this country. It was a way for people to meet and share their stories, traditions and find marriage partners.

The Barbers, Women’s Societies, and Black Churches supported African American Communities. They educated, fed, and clothed, found jobs and housing.

BOARD MEETING:  Monday, March 4 via Zoom at 6:45 p.m.


February 2024
Mujeridad & Movement.
A landscapes of Beauty, Violence, Gender, Identity, & Racism: An Auto-ethnographic Journey in the USA & Latin America—A Quest for Understanding, Healing, & Dialogue during Historic Times in Indigenous Americas.

Printable poster: link: Diana Feb 2024 flyer

Dr. Diana Elena Moran Sanchez Thundercloud
(Klahuatzin, Qori Sunju, Hiugewi)
Meetings are open to all members and guests interested in attending.
Contact Andrea at or 608-487-5571 to place items on the agenda or to confirm your attendance.

Diana shared a series of images from her travels in the USA and Latin America. Her images were part of her dissertation research that is now being shaped into a book for publication. Her images are from Mexico (Mexico City, Veracruz, and Chihuahua), Peru, Bolivia, USA, and Chile. She will explore why the Arts and Citizen Science are important for healing, understanding, and the Greater Good for all. Why learning through the visual can help us to see within our communities too. To see with our hearts during these critical times in society. Interactive with photos/images.

How can the visual help us to see? How can the visual help us to ask critical questions? How can the visual support social change in society? Why do these images matter to us in Western Wisconsin?

Dr. Diana Elena Moran Sanchez Thundercloud is an educator, lecturer, and community advocate for women and youth in the Midwest/ USA and Latin America. She has experience with program and policy development within universities and tribal communities. She divides her time between her families in Mexico City (Mexico) and in Western Wisconsin (USA).


January 2024

Our January meeting has been canceled due to winter weather conditions. See note below.
MLK Community Celebration is Monday night at Viterbo.

Cancelled: January Program – LGBTQ+ 101
Presenter: Willem (Will) Van Roosenbeek. he/him/they/them.
LGBTQ + Services Director, UW- La Crosse.

LGBTQ QIAAAPNB2S – just to name a few identities within the community. 2023 research shows 5.6 % or 14.1 million adults in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ+ (Williams Institute). In 2020, 9.5% (1,994,000) of the U.S. population of youth ages 13-17 identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community (Williams Institute). Young people are embracing their identities and are more open to others who come out. As a society are we ready?

In the past couple of years, states have advanced a record number of bills that attack LGBTQ+ rights. In 2023 there have been 591 bills introduced in 49 states ( Are you ready? Come learn about the LGBTQ+ community and how you can help.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify terminology and examples of identities within the LGBTQ+ community.
2. Illustrate the barriers and the needs of LGBTQ+ people.
3. Discuss ways to be an active supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.

I identify as a trans man (AFAB) and queer. I have been out as a queer person for over 30 years. However, I did not come out as trans until the early 2000s. On January 15th, Will is to be honored with the 2024 Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award.

Monday, Jan. 8th  via Zoom at 5:00pm
Zoom link available from Andrea
Meetings are open to all members. To place items on the agenda or confirm your attendance, contact Andrea at 608-487-5571 or


December 2023

Presenters: AAUW La Crosse DEI Committee
When: Saturday, Dec. 9
Time: 9:30 Registration 9:45 Brunch, 10:15 Meeting 10:45 Program
Where: Viterbo University School of Nursing, Rm 195, 10th and Jackson Streets, La Crosse
Parking available in the lot next to the building

Our Branch appointed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee to set goals for vision & direction for diversifying our membership and implementing the national AAUW lead. This committee is comprised of: June Reinert, Carlene Roberts, Diana Moran Thundercloud, and Erica Koonmen. We are in are our third year of integrating diversity issues in our monthly newsletter, speaker presentations, panel discussions, collaborating with local diversity organizations, and the awarding of scholarships and grants to marginalized groups in our community.

Our presentation will be a review of the terms and ideas that surround diversity. We will examine the progression from our first steps of looking at our hidden biases
to our progressing to making our diverse members feel accepted
and belonging. This is an effort to help our branch grow and learn. It will be a time of conversation and engagement. As AAUW members, we need to not only value the importance of intersectionality, diversity, and equity, we must do the work — and it is lifelong work, core to our mission and vision.

Monday, December 4th @ 5:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to all member interested in attending.


November 2023

November Program
Topic: Promoting Evidence- based Special Education in Kosovo
Speaker: Lema Kabashi, PhD. Associate professor, UW-La Crosse
When: Saturday, November 11th.

The research project in Kosovo represents a comprehensive exploration into the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) for Infants and Children, with a focus on
its reliability, validity, and utility. The endeavor comprises three successfully completed studies: Content Validity, Utility, and Curriculum Validity, while two ongoing studies, Interrater Reliability and Psychometrics Test, and Cut-Off Score, are actively advancing. The overarching objectives are to disseminate the instrument in Albanian and foster its adoption among educators, professionals, and parents in Kosovo.

I originally am from Kosovo. Currently, I live and work in La Crosse. I have over twenty years of teaching and advising experience and over ten years of research experience in the field of special education, particularly with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The focus of my research is finding effective strategies that promote social skills as well as increase appropriate behaviors and decrease inappropriate behaviors in young children with ASD.

BOARD: Monday, November 6  via Zoom at 5:00pm
Zoom link available from Andrea.
Meetings are open to all members.


October 2023


Topic: Understanding Anti-HMoob Violence
Speaker: Maij Xyooj from Cia Siab, Inc.
When: Saturday, Oct 14

Program: In November 2022, Cia Siab, Inc. released a white paper (click to read) on hate violence against HMoob people from 1975 to 2019 in California, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This white paper was part of a multi-year, community-driven research project that aimed to track and document violence against HMoob people in the USA. In this presentation, Maij will share findings and analyses from the research project as well as provide recommendations on how to improve the wellbeing of HMoob communities in WI.

Maij Xyooj (Mai Xiong) is the Community Resource Advocate at Cia Siab, Inc. where she works on hate violence prevention and education. She received her BA from UW-Madison; her MLIS and MA in Women’s and Gender Studies from UW-Milwaukee. Maij is a 2022 Association for Asian Studies Humanities Fellow. In this capacity, she helped to recently launch Cia Siab, Inc.’s white paper on hate violence against HMoob people.

Please see page 6 in our Newsletter “Current” for an article about the new term “HMoob”.

(If link about does not work, here is White Paper site:

The Current, VOLUME 63, ISSUE 3 NOVEMBER 2023

OCTOBER BOARD MEETING:  Monday, October 9 via Zoom at 5:00pm
Zoom link available from Andrea. Meetings are open to all members.


Tuesday, Sept 12
Members and guests are welcome to attend.
Time: 5:00 PM to 700 PM
Where: English Lutheran Church
1509 King Street, La Crosse, WI
Questions? Andrea at 608-487-5571 or

BOARD MEETING:  September 5th


JULY 2023

July 2023: Art Fair on the Green.
A great event at Viterbo University.

You can still visit the website:


MAY 2023

Scholarship Reception: Saturday, May 13th.
Where: Viterbo University— School of Nursing (on the corner of Jackson & 10th Streets)

Donations are welcomed to cover the cost of our recipients and their guests. We ask AAUW members to consider “sponsoring” a recipient (and/or the recipient’s guest). This helps the branch budget! You may mail a sponsorship check to our branch treasurer, Ann; or you may pay at the event.

Members and guests are welcome to attend the reception or just come for the program. Please indicate such when you RSVP. Either way, please join us in celebrating exceptional, barrier-breaking students.

Plan to arrive by 10:00am to enjoy breakfast and talk with our recipients and their guests. You will recognize the recipients by white banner with the word “Recipient” on their name tags. As any of the scholarship application readers can attest, our recipients deserve this celebration! And, it provides proof that we expend valuable efforts in presenting AAUW’s Art Fair on the Green.

Note: You will find restrooms on both the first floor and the lower level.

Board Meeting:
Monday, May. 8th, 5:00pm


APRIL 2023

April Meeting:
Election of Officers, Name Grant Award, TRINGO, and Introduction of Grant Recipients.
When: Saturday, April 15, 2023, 10:00 am
Where: Comfort of your home
Via Zoom:
It’s once again time to elect board officers for the coming year. Because of conflicts with our scheduled April meeting, we have rescheduled it for Saturday, April 15th, and will conduct business via Zoom.

As we did in 2020-22, you will be asked to vote yes or no for the slate of candidates when you respond to the email or phone call about participating in the April 15 Meeting.

Note: our new officers will be sworn in at this meeting assuming duties starting July 1, 2023. If an office is not listed below, the incumbent has more time to serve on her term and will remain in office next year.

TRINGO , trivia bingo game to wrap up our year of celebrating our centennial.
A gamecard will be emailed to you after you RSVP. Go to link here more info.

  • Announcement of the Name Grant awardee for this year.
  • Introduction of some of the Grant awardees for this year

Board Meeting:
Monday, April 3rd. 5:00pm
Zoom link available from Andrea
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.


MARCH 2023

March Meeting:
AAUW Winona / La Crosse Joint Meeting
When: Saturday, March 11, 2023
Where: Minnesota Marine Art Museum, 800 Riverview Drive, Winona,MN
Time:  Gather at 10:45 pm MMAM
– 11am-noon Docent Guided Tour
– Noon-1:30pm Box Lunch & Meeting

The Minnesota Marine Art Museum is a nonprofit art museum that engages visitors in meaningful visual art experiences through education and exhibitions that explore the ongoing and historic human relationship with water.

Board Meeting: 
Monday, March 6th. 5:00pm
Zoom link available from Andrea
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.



Meeting:  Saturday, February 11th
Program: Everyday Life for Women: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Western Wisconsin.
Presenters: Choya Woods and Jean Stacy-Snow (see information below)
Facilitator: Diana Elena Moran Sanchez Thundercloud

Choya Wood, Owner of Melanin Beauty Bar & Community Advocate, LaCrosse
is a wonderful advocate of women and girls. She has been a pillar of strength within the African-American community in La Crosse.

Jean Stacy-Snow, Division Manager – Elder Workforce Development Manager, Labor Department Aging Division, Ho-Chunk Nation/Black River Falls & Doctoral Student in Ethics in Leadership Graduate Program, Viterbo University.

Diana Elena Moran Sanchez Thundercloud, Branch DEI Committee Member, is affiliated staff at Edgewood College, and completed her doctorate in Educational Leadership and Community-Based Education in 2021.

• Also…Fun facts about the branch Centennial by Marilyn Hempstead

Monday, February 6th @ 5:00 p.m. (Note: new start time)
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.



Meeting:  January 13th, 2023, Saturday,

Presenter:  Barbara Stewart, retired UWL Vice-Chancellor DEI
Program:  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access: Our Strengths and Challenges for the Future.

Where:  Viterbo School of Nursing, Room 195
916 10th S. La Crosse

“Diversity, inclusion, and equity work is cyclical. We begin with the end in mind. Every accomplishment reveals another void that must be filled.” Ms. Stewart has forged strong collaborations on and off campus over 22-plus years at UW-La Crosse, sharing her leadership skills in equity, diversity, and inclusion work.

As the inaugural Vice Chancellor of the new Division of Diversity and Inclusion, she is credited with bringing diversity- related offices together to increase student success and retention.

  • DEI committee will present a short discussion on Allyship and Intersectionality lead by Diana Moran Sanchez Santos Thundercloud
  • Fun facts about the branch 100 yr Anniversary by Marilyn Hempstead
  • Brief talk on Transit Equity Day by Sandy Sechrest: the local and national value of buses, access for non-car owners, benefits for society, and improvements needed. Events listed for the Transit Equity Week.

Monday, January 9th @ 5:00 p.m. (Note: new start time)
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.



When: Saturday, December. 10th
Presenter:  Pastor Mark Solyst and Madeline Buelow.
Program:  WAFER Food Pantry
Where:  Viterbo School of Nursing

Prior to the program beginning, the DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion- committee will have a 5 minute discussion about Unconscious Bias.

An Educated Women’s Book Walk – members book exchange will follow the program. Please see below  for details on this new event!

How the Book Walk Works
By Marlene De la Cruz-Guzman, Co VP Programs

Every member wishing to participate brings a minimum of 3 books but, ideally, more than three. The books should be in good condition, of any genre, address issues that college educated women would be interested in reading, and they can be books that inspired you*.

*you wish your fellow AAUW members would read
*focus on diversity and inclusion
*are favorite novels, poetry, short stories, etc.
*focus on women’s issues *resonate with you

Every person participating gets 3 tickets when they turn their books in. Karen and I will set the books up. Everyone can look at them while they eat and socialize, and then we open it up. Then, those with tickets can pick out three books and redeem them with their tickets. When every member has redeemed their three, the rest (the extras everyone brought) are there for anyone to take.

This allows for a fun time of looking, selecting, and then sharing. We can have a little discussion time with folks sharing why they brought a certain book or why they think everyone should read a particular book. This closes out the book swap.

If desired, folks could also share earlier in the program, before they get to pick the books, and then people would just be done once they redeem their tickets. Depending on how long we give them to preview the books and to share about their favorite books, it can last as little as 15 mins. or as long as 40 mins.

Monday, December 5th @ 5:00 p.m. (Note: new start time)



When: Saturday, Nov. 12th
Presenter:  Sister Thea Bowman
Program:  Center at Viterbo and Sister Thea Bowman’s path to Social Justice Advocacy.

Where:  Viterbo School of Nursing
Sister Laura Nettles, a faculty member who also serves as Viterbo University’s Executive Director for Mission and Social Justice, is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. As a fellow FSPA, she will speak about Sister Thea Bowman’s journey to become a leading international advocate for African Americans and other disenfranchised groups. Sr. Thea’s story has much to teach us about advocacy for human and civil rights and is an inspiration for educated women creating a more just and equitable society for women’s empowerment and that of other marginalized groups.

Prior to the program beginning, the DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion- committee will have a 5 minute discussion about Dimensions of Diversity.

2 short videos from Viterbo students that attended 2022 NCCWSL will be shown.

We will be collecting toiletry items to donate to the Hope Restores Giving Cabinet.

Monday, November 7th @ 5:00 p.m. (new start time)
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.



When: Saturday, Oct. 8th @ 9:30 A.M.
Presenter: Tashyra Jackson from Hope Restores
Program: Advocacy & Creating Black Equity in La Crosse

Where:  Viterbo School of Nursing
9:30-9:45 am Sign-in, 10:30am Program
Hope Restores is a non profit organization aimed at uplifting, empowering, and restoring the African American community through education, preservation and advocacy. Tashyra’s presentation will inform our members of their organization’s services and hopes to engage AAUW members in an active partnership to financially support girls and women on their path to higher education.

Members can purchase and donate $25.00 gift cards from Ross Dress for Less for young women to help them with clothes purchases, which gives them a sense of pride and confidence as they attend schooling.

Monday, October 3 @ 5:00 p.m. (new start time)
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.



Tuesday, Sept. 13th, 5:30 to 7:30, Myrick Park Center
100th Anniversary Celebration – AAUW La Crosse,
More info. . .

BOARD MEETING – No September board Meeting


July 2022


May 2022

Meeting  virtual due to Covid-19,
Instructions: A reply is still requested indicating your plan to attend or not attend. In announcements/invitations, Robert will include the ZOOM link for the meeting. Save the link in your calendar or save the message from Robert to reopen on meeting day by clicking the link. Members may also use their phones to participate in the meetings. If you experience difficulty entering the ZOOM meeting, call Ann on her cell phone: 608-780-5026.

MAY 2022

MEETING: Introduction of Scholarship Recipients
When: Saturday, May 14th @ 10 A.M.
Where: Comfort of your home

Scholarship & Grant Committee members will introduce scholarship recipients.

Our 2022 scholarships fall into 9 categories:

  • Tribune Extra Effort
  • Karen Wilson Memorial (no nominations received this year)
  • Janet Isler Memorial
  • Pat Staupe Memorial (no applicants emerged this year)
  • Holistic Nursing
  • Scholarship Bridge
  • UW-La Crosse Students
  • Viterbo University Students
  • Graduating High School Students.Our recipients will provide examples of why they are deserving of our support while they are engaged in breaking barriers. Please plan to attend.SGC members announced grant recipients at the April branch meeting.Our 2022 grant recipients:
  • YWCA La Crosse: Restorative Justice Circles
  • Self-Sufficiency Program: Emergency Fund
  • Monroe County Shelter Care Inc.: Brighter Tomorrows Program
  • WTC Foundation: Pathways Scholarship
  • WTC Foundation: Transition Scholarship
  • WTC Foundation: Student Assistance
  • New Horizons: Unrestricted
  • Reconstituted Task Force to End Modern Slavery: Program support.


Monday, May 9th @ 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.
Contact Ann at: 780-5026 or
to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting.




April 2022

MEETING: Introduction of Grant Recipients & Election of Officers
When: Saturday, April 9th @ 10 A.M.
Where: Comfort of your home

Help us welcome the new AAUW officers and congratulate our fantastic grant winners.

Voting for Next Year’s Officers
The proposed Slate of Officers was printed in the March issue of The Current and also appears below. All are two-year terms. Karen Lange will be serving the second year of her term.

Voting will occur when you are asked to RSVP for the April meeting. The Email message or phone call you receive will request your vote. Even if you will not attend the April meeting we still hope that you will vote.

Officers will be installed at the April 9th Annual Meeting.
AAUW La Crosse Branch Slate of Officers 2022-2023
President: Andrea Hansen
Vice President/President-Elect: open
Vice President-Finance: Ann Brice
Vice President-Membership: Barb Fischer
Vice President-Programs: Karen Lange and Marlene De La Cruz-Guzman
Secretary: Jo Anne Revels


Monday, April 4th @ 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.


March 2022

MEETING: Meet the Artist, Carly Petrausky
When: Saturday,March 12th @ 10 A.M.
Presenter: Carly Petrausky
Local Glass/Stained Glass Artist
Where: Comfort of your home

For the final program of our series “Meet the AAUW Art Fair on the Green Artists”, Carly Petrausky will share her process and inspirations for creating stained glass. 2022 will be Carly’s 5th year with us.

Carly Petrausky has been doing stained glass for about 13 years, and tries to combine her love of nature, architecture, and folk art in her designs for her pieces. She moved around a bit as a kid because she comes from a military family, but she definitely considers La Crosse her hometown.

We also welcome the AAUW Winona branch members who will be attending the meeting! Every year, we take turns hosting each other for the March meeting.

Monday, March 8 , 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.
Contact Ann at: 780-5026 or
to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting.



February 2022

MEETING: Meet the Artist, John Schneider
When: Saturday,February 12th @ 10 A.M.
Presenter: John Schneider
Where: Comfort of your home

Continuing our series of “Meet the AAUW Art Fair on the Green Artists”, long-time participant John Schneider will talk about his art and processes. John has exhibited both painting and pottery in the past and will be happy to answer questions about each of the mediums.

“I consider painting everyday places with created color a process that captures the essence of life. My goal is to interpret and communicate landscaping painting in a renewed approach of abstraction and representation.”

John was just notified the he will be the featured artist for the “Art Fair Off the Square” in Madison. They will use this image for their poster and t- shirt. Come and meet John and learn about his artistic eye for the ordinary place.

Monday, February 7 , 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.


January 2022

MEETING: Meet the Artist, Annie Goldman
When: Saturday, January 8th
Presenter: Annie Goldman
Where: Comfort of your home


Many of you will recognize the name of Ann Goldman Stoneware Pottery; Annie has been participating in our AAUW Art Fair on the Green since 1984. Well-known for her whimsical cat themed ceramics, Annie is also focused on function; creating heat-safe, dishwasher- safe items that she uses exclusively in her kitchen.
Annie spends four hours a day in her basement studio, lined with mugs, bowls, teapots and goblets in various stages, along with a row of glaze-filled buckets, a clay spattered wheel and an ever stocked kiln. Come and meet the La Crosse Potter herself and learn more about her journey.

Monday, January 3rd, 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.



December 2021

MEETING – Cookie Walk
Saturday, December 11 deliveries.
Share Cookies in a Covid-friendly Way.
‘Tis the season for cookies! While we
can’t be together for our annual cookie walk, we can still celebrate, and this year it’s free! We will not have our usual December membership meeting. 
Drop off: All members are welcome to drop off cookies at Megan’s house at 1626 Onalaska Ave, La Crosse, WI 54603 on Friday, December 10th between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. For anyone who wants to drop off cookies, please make 3 dozen. Board members have volunteered to assemble plates and deliver to those who want one on Saturday, in place of our typical meeting time.
If you want to receive a cookie plate: please let Megan know at You don’t have to bake cookies to receive cookies! While we are not charging anything for those who want to receive cookies this year, you can still donate!
Recipe exchange instructions:  There’s another way to partake in the festivities! Send your favorite holiday time recipes to Megan Preston at and she will create a digital AAUW holiday cookbook for all members. There’s no limit as to how many you can submit, and they can be sweet or savory. All submissions must be in by Sunday, December 5th.
Happy Holidays!

Monday, December  6th, 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.


November 2021

MEETING  – Virtual
Saturday, November 13th, 10:00 a.m. virtually (Entry available after 9:40)
The comfort of your home!

Curling: An Olympic Ice Sport

Robert Richardson will discuss the rich history and culture of curling from Scotland in the 1500s all the way to the Olympic Games in 2018.

Who curls? Robert’s teammate curls – Myles is 10 year old. Robert’s friend, Carol, curls at age 83. Robert’s team curls. This team includes a collegian, a tv anchor, an IT specialist, and a teacher; they will compete in the 2022 Arena National Curling Championship. The La Crosse Curling Club hosts a variety of learn-to-curl events.. Curling is both easier and harder than it looks. And, the next Olympic Winter Games open in three (3!) months.

Monday, November  8th , 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.


October 2021

MEETING  – Virtual
Saturday, October 9th, – Virtual at 10:00 (Entry available after 9:40)
Presenter: Betty Kruck
The comfort of your home!

Native bees, butterflies, dragonflies and a multitude of other insects, birds and wildlife are not only fascinating to watch, but are important to life on this planet. Many of our pollinators depend on native plants at one stage of their life cycle.

The native plant gardens at Myrick Center provide a habitat for pollinators and other wildlife. Betty Kruck has been a coordinator and volunteer at Myrick Center Native Gardens since it began as Master Gardener project about eight years ago at what was at that time the EcoPark.

Betty will explain the project, its purpose, and the importance of native plants for a healthy ecosystem. Join us for this informative and interesting Zoom presentation.

Note: If you would like assistance with Zoom, Ann Brice will be happy to help you. Please email her at or call 608-780-5026 if you would like her to show you how to use Zoom. You’ll want to sign up for a free Zoom account here:

Monday, Oct. 4, 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.


September 2021

Wednesday, September 8th, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. – Virtual
Where: The comfort of your home!
Join us as we welcome back all AAUW members for a new season of meeting new friends, catching up with old friends, and learning something new. While this will be virtual, we hope that soon we will be able to be in person once again. If you would like assistance with Zoom, Ann Brice will be happy to help you. Please email her at or call 608-780-5026 if you would like her to show you how to use Zoom. You’ll want to sign up for a free Zoom account here:

You may want to look at some Zoom tutorials: articles/206618765-Zoom-video-tutorials.

Tuesday, Sept 7, 6:00 p.m.
Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.

Thursday, Sept 9th, 3:00pm-4:30pm Via Zoom
Suzanne Hagen, the new District 4 Coordinator, invites you to attend the District 4 Fall meeting.

• Welcome and brief introductions
• Branch Updates: (Please note a couple of your recent accomplishments and one of two challenges you’re currently facing) Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, La Crosse, River Falls, Tomah
• Recent Updates from State
• Collaboration Discussion: What may be some opportunities for collaboration among our district branches? What resources or processes are needed to effectively collaborate?
• Problems, Questions or Concerns to be addressed?
• Other Business
• Adjournment


Calendar of Events, 2020 – 2021

June 2021

Board Transitional Meeting – Virtual
Thursday, June 24th, @ 5:00 p.m.

Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending. Contact Ann at: 780-5026 or to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting.

July 2021

Art Fair on the Green – In-person and Virtual
When: Saturday, July 24 10 am- 4pm
Where: Myrick Park, La Crosse St.
Art Fair on the Green will look a bit different this year. It will be a one day event; we will have 70+ artists, food trucks and booths, and of course, the raffle will be held. We will not be charging admission this year, either.

May 2021

Saturday, May 8th, 10:00 – 11:15 am. – Virtual
Where: The comfort of your home!
Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers
Anoucement of 2021 Scholarship Awards

Please join us for the last general meeting of the year as we award scholarships to hard working students. The Tribune has started a cheers/ jeers column. The S&GC members get three cheers: hip, hip, & hooray.

The Scholarships and Grants Committee shares this: All of our 2020-2021 committee goals have been accomplished. Everything we did, we managed to do it safely … most often by Zoom, sometimes needing texts to make confirmations. In/on this committee, everyone participates and everyone contributes in meaningful ways.

At our April meeting, we revealed our Grant recipients. At our May meeting, we will reveal our 19 scholarship recipients. Eighteen women will each receive a $1000 scholarship. What about #19? Join us on May 8th for an update.

In alphabetical order, the S&GC: Francie Ball, Ann Brice, Sharon De Cicco, Jan Eriksen, Marilyn Hempstead, Betty Kruck, Mary O’Sullivan, Robert Richardson, Silvana Richardson, Carol Robertson, Sandy Sechrest, Michele Strange.

Board Meeting – Virtual
Monday, May 3rd, 6:00 p.m

April 2021

Monthly Meeting – Virtual
Saturday, April 10,
10:00 – 11:15 am. – Virtual
Where: The comfort of your home!
Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers

It’s once again time to elect board officers for the coming year. As we did in 2020, you will be asked to vote yes or no for the slate of candidates when you respond to the email or phone call regarding whether you plan to attend the Zoom branch meeting on April 10. New officers will be sworn in at the April 10 meeting and will actually assume office at the beginning of the 2021-2022 fiscal year, July 1. If an office is not listed below it signifies that the incumbent has more time to serve on her term and will remain in office next year.

Slate of Candidates
Vice President-President Elect: Andrea Hansen, 1 year
Vice President Elect-Membership: Barb Fischer, 1 year
Vice President-Programs: Karen Lange, 2 years
Secretary: JoAnne Revels, 2 years

Thank you to the candidates for agreeing to serve and to the outgoing officers for their work on the board. Anyone who has questions regarding the election process may contact one of the Nomination Committee members: Michele Strange, Jan Eriksen, or Ann Brice.

Board Meeting – Virtual
Monday, April 5th, 6:00 p.m

March 2021

Monthly Meeting – Virtual
Saturday, Mar 13th @10 a.m. 

Two great topics and presenters.

Topic: Writing Your Family’s Story
Presenter: Cheri Niedzwiecki, Branch Member
Learn how family stories give meaning and create a family identity. The different types of family stories such as birth or family origin, becoming an adult, family collective identity, family support, and handling adversity will be discussed. Cheri will discuss her current research about family birth stories collected from her Family Communication class taught at UW-L. Feel free to bring your own family stories to share.

Topic: Peace Of Mind: Planning For The Future
Presenter: Megan Preston, Branch Member
Are you allergic to drama and chaos? Do you find comfort when everything is in its place? A stunning 60% of adults in the U.S. have no will or estate plan! Imagine the turmoil that is brought upon families when decisions have to be made, because you didn’t. Megan will share some simple steps on planning for your future including when to review your documents and how to tell your family what you want, because when there is a will, there is a way!

Board Meeting – Virtual
Tuesday, March 9th @ 6:00 p.m.

This meetings is open to any member who are interested in attending. contact Ann at: 780-5026 or to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting.


February 2021

Saturday, February 13, 10:00 – 11:15 am. – Virtual
Where: The comfort of your home!
Special Education in Kosovo poster

Presenter: Lema Kabashi, Branch Member
Topic: Special Education in Kosovo. In her presentation, Lema will talk about her goals and research project in Kosovo. She explains:

“First, I will conduct a Field Test in Kosovo to study reliability, validity, and utility of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS), 3rd Edition. Given that the AEPS-3 consists of both assessment and curriculum, I need to conduct two different parts of the Field Test: a) Test Evaluation and b) Curriculum Field Test so this assessment instrument can be used with confidence with children in Kosovo. I will collaborate with Dr. Jennifer Grisham, the co-author of the revised AEPS-3, who will lend her expertise to the project. An undergraduate UW-L special education student will join us as a research assistant.

Second, Brooks Publishing company approved my proposal for supporting my project by collaborating with a publishing company in Kosovo to translate and publish the New AEPS-3 in Albanian language.

Finally, professionals in Kosovo will use this new version of the AEPS-
3 to identify the needs of young children and, based on their needs to design developmentally appropriate educational goals, plan appropriate interventions, and monitor children’s progress over time. I will also conduct a study of the effectiveness of the AEPS-3.

The results of this study will be published in an article.”

Monday, February 8 @ 6:00 pm:
Board Meeting – Virtual
This meetings is open to any member who are interested in attending.
Contact Ann at: 780-5026 or to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting.


January 2021

Meeting:  Saturday, January 9, 10:00 am – 11:15 am. – Virtual
Where: The comfort of your home!
January 2021 Meeting poster

Sandy Seacreast, Branch Member
Jan Eriksen, Branch Member

1) SYKM, not a mystery!
Presenter: Sandy Seacrest, Branch Member
SYKM is an award winning mystery website (Stop, You’re Killing Me!). It indexes over 5,200 authors and 6,200 mystery series. Can’t remember who wrote the Molly Malone mysteries? Just use the character index. Want to find out what other books a favorite author has written? Use the author index and sometimes discover she writes under five different names. There are indices for locations, jobs, time periods, diversity, and mystery genres. Whether you want cozy cat mysteries or gritty police procedurals, they are all sorted by author. There is also information on newly published books, award winning books, book reviews, etc.

2) The Creative Process: What Is It And How To Foster It.
Presenter: Jan Eriksen, Branch Member & Past Branch President
Creative thinking is the search for something new. We can all be creative thinkers and problem- solvers; an awareness of the creative process helps. The four stages of the process are: 1) Preparation, information gathering and analysis; 2) Incubation, letting the mind work to continue the process subconsciously; 3) Illumination, inspiration, which can come when the person is not necessarily thinking about the problem but is in a relaxed frame of mind; and 4) Verification, testing ideas or a solution for applicability. This has happened to nearly all of us without us being fully aware of it: we’ve researched and thought about a problem or situation and then put it aside temporarily. Later, when perhaps taking a walk or falling asleep at night, an idea or solution comes to us. That’s the creative process at work.

Board Meeting – Virtual
Tuesday, January 5 @ 6:00 pm:
Contact Ann at: 780-5026 or to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting.


December 2020

Meeting: Saturday, December 12, 10:00 am – 11:15 am. – Virtual
Where: The comfort of your home!
Presenter: Marilyn Hempstead, Branch Historian
AAUW’s story began 140 years ago. In 1881, when higher education was not generally available to women, a small group of women college graduates banded together to form this organization. It worked toward opening the way for others to have that same opportunity and toward promoting women’s wider participation in the workforce and society at large.

The story of the La Crosse branch goes back 100 years when the local College Club joined the National Association of University Women. The 1922 Constitution laid the groundwork for the years to come. Presented in this program will be a quick journey through those years highlighting the growth and evolution of our branch to fit the needs and situations of the time. Study groups emerged. A plethora of fundraising projects were continually being created. These made possible an ever-increasing variety of contributions for women and girls and the wider community.

The meaningful social interaction among us has been and is one important result of our working together. Our branch has offered a century of rich experiences for our members. However long you have been a part of AAUW, you will discover exciting new stories and perhaps something that will jog your memory.

After Marilyn: We look forward to hearing from some of our new members! They will take turns on the Zoom microphone to introduce themselves and share snippets of their backgrounds and how they came to join our group. Questions are welcomed! It wouldn’t be surprising if some of you have met them already, in other circles, because birds of a feather flock together!

Monday, December 7 @ 6:00 pm: Board Meeting – Virtual
This meetings is open to any member who are interested in attending.
Contact Ann at: 780-5026 or to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting.


November 2020

Meeting: Saturday, November 14, 10:00 am – 11:15 am. – Virtual
Where: The comfort of your home!
Aging in Place: Live Safely at Home by Carlene Roberts
We are all aging – some of us are just further down the path than others. Some of us are caregivers for family, friends or neighbors dealing with aging issues. Whether for ourselves or loved ones, we wish for a long, safe, fulfilling life. We don’t have to do it alone. Advice, adaptations, technology and health care can help us on the journey. Carlene Roberts, a retired Occupational Therapist, will share ideas from her work with those who face physical, mental and emotional challenges of aging.
Accupressure for Self Care: by Silvana Richardson
You have no doubt heard of the benefits of acupuncture to relieve muscle tension and pain. Acupuncture requires treatment by a licensed provider with extensive training and can be expensive. Manual pressure can be applied to the same points on the body to gain similar results—for free and in the comfort of your home. Join us to learn how to relieve common health concerns such as headaches, migraines, sinus congestion and backaches as well as increase memory and concentration.

Board Meeting: Monday, November 9 @ 6:00 pm: – Virtual


October 2020

Saturday, October 10th, 9:00 am – 9:40 am.
Scholarships & Grants Committee (SGC)
Meet via Zoom immediately prior to the October Branch meeting. In advance, Robert will send meeting preparation materials and a Zoom link for a 40 minute meeting to begin at 9am. We will use our time efficiently and finish our business prior to the start of the branch meeting/program. Optimism reigns supreme!

Saturday, October 10th, 10:00 am – 11:15 am.
The La Crosse Oktoberfest that’s under the radar!
Ein Prosit mit Gemutlichkeit! {From our House to Yours, we salute you with friendliness and wish you good health and happiness.} Das beste Oktoberfest in La Crosse since 1961. 15Mio.EUROfürlokalewirtschaftliche Auswirkungen. 100 000 Menschen kommen, um die Zwei-Meilen-Parade zu sehen. Es ist virtuell in diesem Jahr. Hear the oompah of the tuba! It’s Oktoberfest time although we have no Crown Prince Ludwig getting married to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen (as happened on October 12, 1810, in Bavaria. One of the achievements which helped La Crosse gain a 1961 All-American City Award, Oktoberfest, USA, is one of the few authentic Old World folk festivals held annually in the United States. The fest in 2020 looks and feels differently in a mostly virtual format. So, during our AAUW 2020 October program, we learn about a special connection between four of our own members who share their on-going involvement in Oktoberfest through positive traditions and community engagement. Carol Taebel and Katie Webster will make their ZOOM DEBUT for this program! Zoomers Silvana and Robert Richardson will keep the barrel rolling. The foursome will dress for Fest and bring some gemutlichkeit into your home. If you feel so inclined, wear some fall colors or fall jewelry, affix a maple leaf in your hair or on your lapel.

Board Meeting:  Monday, October 5 @ 6:00 pm.
Virtual Board Meeting for AAUW-La Crosse Branch. Contact Ann Brice at: (or call 780-5026) to place items on the agenda and for the Zoom link to the meeting for any member who is interested in attending.


September 2020
Meeting: Wednesday, September 9 @ 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Our Welcome/Potluck Social


August 2020

Monday, August 31 @ 6:00 pm: Board Meeting
Virtual Board Meeting for AAUW-La Crosse Branch.


2019-2020 Events

June 2020

Monday, June 15, 6:30 – 8:00 pm: Zoom Meeting
Our annual Transition Meeting, consisting of both incoming and retiring board members, will be held Monday, June 15, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Meetings are open to all members. We will begin with awarding of the Name Grants, Installation of Officers, and then follow the regular agenda. Name Grant awarding and Installation will be saved and subsequently posted on our branch’s website and Facebook pages.

If you would like to add items to the agenda and/or receive the E-mail link to join the Zoom meeting, please contact Ann Brice at

May 2020:

Monday, May 4 @ 6:30 pm: Board meeting
Where: Virtual Meeting. Due to Governor Ever’s “Safer-at- home” order, we will conduct an E-mail board meeting. Meetings are open to any member.
Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or if you would like to be added to the email list for the meeting or to place items on the agenda.

April 2020:

Monday, March 30 @ 6:30 pm: Board meeting
Where: Virtual Meeting. (Due to “Safer-at- home” order, we will conduct an E-mail board meeting. Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.
Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or to place items on the agenda and/or be added to the e-mail list for the meeting.
Note: Election of officers was accomplished by E-mail and telephone instead. Appointed board officers are chosen by the branch president. The results of the election will appear in the May newsletter and the new officers will be installed at a later date.

Saturday, 14: General Meeting – canceled due to current health issues.

AIA Meeting: canceled due to current health issues.

AAUW State Convention: canceled due to current health issues.


March 2020:

During March:
– A Must See: Pearl Street Books Window “Valiant Women of the Vote”
– Wonderful daily blurbs on Women in History: WHM2020TRIBUNE

Sunday, 8 @ 1:00pm: International Woman’s Day Celebration (AIA Event)
Program: International Woman’s Day Panel
Presenter: Carissa Pagel-Smith – Director, Aging and Disability
Where: Bluffs Room at UW-L Student Union
Note: AIA will be collecting new or gently used bras for the organization Free The Girls.
The bra collection is to help sex trafficking victims in El Salvador, Mozambique, and Costa Rica.
new this year: a photo
booth for taking pictures with the #EachforEqual signs!
We encourage you to post the pictures on your Facebook and Instagram feeds.
(See page 5 in newsletter for more info).

Monday, 9 @ 6:30 pm: Board meeting
Where: Goodwill Retail Store and Training Center, 3954 Mormon Coulee Rd.
(corner of Losey and Mormon Coulee).
Note: Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending.
Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or to place items on the agenda.

Saturday, 14: General Meeting,
Program: Ice Caves – Winter in the Driftless
Presenter: Chuck Hatfield, Kickapoo Valley Reserve and a retired teacher.
Note: at meeting we will be collecting personal hygiene products for New Horizon – see below.
Where: School of Nursing @ Viterbo University, Room 195
Cost: $12
Registration: 9:30 AM, Breakfast: 10:00 AM, Program: 10:30 AM
Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch or just come for the program.
For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595
by end of day, Monday, March 8rd.
Note: At the general meeting on March 14th, we’ll be again collecting personal hygiene products for New Horizons. You’ve been so generous in the past; there is always
a great need for the items though. You can also drop off items at the New Horizon Office:
1233 Main
St in La Crosse. For other items New Horizons needs, go to:

Wednesday, 18 @ 10:00am: AAUW-WI Convention Planning Committee Meeting
Where: at our conference hotel, the Radisson, in downtown La Crosse.
All branch members are welcome to attend the last 2020 convention planning meeting.
It will be an opportunity for the committee to take a last look at the facilities and envision the flow of activities and set up of the space. While committee meetings usually last until 3:00 pm, this one will probably end earlier. If you can join us please let me know so that I can plan
for enough refreshments. Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or

Wednesday, 18 @ 4:00: Tour of Coulee Region Humane Society, 911 Critter Court, Onalaska.
Mae is very excited to be able to give us this approximately 45 minute tour. In addition to her presentation we will see animals available for adoption as well as some wildlife. There is a $2.00 charge per person. At this time they are pretty well stocked with blankets, sheets, food and toys but they very much need financial support for medical bills for cats and also love fleece to use for their dog beds. However, they are willing to accept donations of any kind that we might like to give (optional of course).
Wednesday, 18: Following the tour we will have dinner at Outback Steakhouse.
Please RSVP to Bev Bodine at 781-3849 or

Friday, 20 @ TBA: to benefit New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers.
Victory Over Violence, presented by: Gundersen Health System.
Where: Drugan’s Castle Mound in Holmen.
Tickets are $65 and include a delicious 3-entree buffet dinner, live music from “Me & Rosie B,”
a live and silent auction, a wine pull, and a raffle.
For tickets and details: events/2020-victory-over-violence/

Thursday, 26 @ 2:00: AIA Meeting, Myrick Park Center.

Tuesday, 31: Equal Pay Day Table, UW-L Student Union.
Public Policy intern, Marissa Tatro, along with Betty Kruck and Ann Brice will have
an Equal Pay for Equal Work table that includes baked cookies.
If you want to help: please bring cookies.

Remember: AAUW State Convention Friday, April 17th, to Saturday, April 18th
Where: Radisson Hotel – Canceled


February 2020:

Monday, 3: Board meeting, 6:30 pm, Goodwill Retail Store and Training Center, 3954 Mormon Coulee Rd. (corner of Losey and Mormon Coulee) . Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending. Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or to place items on the agenda.

Saturday, 14: General Meeting,
Program: Smart Aging
Presenter: Carissa Pagel-Smith Director, Aging and Disability
Resource Center, La Crosse County
When: Saturday, February 8 Where: UWL Student Union, Room 3110
Cost: $12
Registration: 9:30 AM
Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Program: 10:30 AM
Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch or just come for the program.
For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595
by end of day, Mon. Feb 3rd.
Program: local Aging and Disability Resource Center of La Crosse County provides residents
with unbiased information related to aging or living with a disability, along with
Elderly Benefit Specialist (EBS) Services, and Adult Protective Services (APS).
Their goal is to help people maintain their independence and access available
resources for themselves, their families, friends and caregivers.

Carissa Pagel-Smith, ADRC Section Manager, will present information about available
programs and learning opportunities, along with initiatives to bridge the generational gap a
nd make La Crosse an age friendly community. As part of the Human Services Department, ADRCs serve every county and tribe in Wisconsin free of charge to its residents.

January 2020

Monday, 6: Email Board meeting. The E-meeting will begin at noon on Jan. 6, when all board members are asked to send reports to the entire board, and end at noon on Jan. 7.  All members are invited; just let Jan know, via phone (787-5946) or E-mail ( to be included in the electronic discussions.

Thursday, 9: AIA January email meeting. Agenda will be sent out on Jan. 9th with responses appreciated by Jan 10th.

Thursday, 9: State Convention planning meeting. Tomah Chamber of Commerce, 310 N. Superior Avenue, Tomah.   10:00 a.m. – 3:00pm.  Lunch will be from The Baker’s Table.

Saturday, 11: General Membership Meeting
Program: Robominds at Work
 Liz Rosendale,  Advisor, Holmen High School Robotics Club
Where: UW-L Centennial Hall, Hall of Nations, Room 1300
Note:  This meeting is NOT at the UWL Student Union this month!
Cost: $12
       Registration: 9:30 AM
       Breakfast: 10:00 AM
       Program: 10:30 AM

2015 was the inaugural year for FIRST Robotics Team 6166 at Holmen High School. Thorobotics allows students to develop skills in computer science, construction and engineering, while experiencing the power of teamwork and problem-solving in a competitive environment. The team’s annual challenge is to build a 120 pound (54 kg) robot that can complete a task, all within 6 weeks. In just 3  short years, they have won several awards and have qualified for the 2017 FIRST Championship in St. Louis, MS. This new way of learning is possible not only because of the leadership of their teacher, Liz Rosendale, but also because of the generous support of their families and local community.


December 2019

Monday, 9: Board Meeting. 6:30 pm,  Marilyn Hempstead’s house 224 South 20th St. (between King & Cass) . Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending. Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or to place items on the agenda.

Saturday, 14: General Membership Meeting
Program: Beloved Christmas Nostalgia & Cookie Walk
Ryan Howe,  Multi-instrumentalist Singer-Songwriter
Where: UW-L Student Union   521 East Ave N. , Room 3310
Free parking is available in the Cleary Alumni Center lot and in the parking ramp, both
across the street from the student union. There is an elevator to the 3rd floor.
Cost: $12
Registration: 9:30 AM
Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Program: 10:30 AM

We will be entertained by multi instrumentalist and singer songwriter Ryan Howe.  Ryan has titled his program selections, “Beloved Christmas Nostalgia.”  He is from La Crescent, MN and is a graduate of the Music Performance/Jazz Studies program at Winona State University.  He has done further study in the Music Education program at Viterbo University.  His musical composition, “A Place to Be,” was featured in the award-winning film “Decoding the Driftless.
The Cookie Walk will begin after the musical entertainment, around 11:15. Items are priced as last year: $6/ lb. This is open to the public; this is a perfect event to invite your neighbor, friend or relative to attend also. Guests coming to the cookie walk do not have to participate in the brunch to attend.

Wednesday, 18:  Hearth & Home
Chef Shawn McManus of Savory Creations will prepare our holiday meal for us to enjoy. It is always a delightful evening and all are welcome.
5:30 pm at Washburn on the Park Community Room
Cost: about $40, includes appetizers, the meal, dessert and wine.
Make reservations
by emailing Sharon DeCicco at or call 788-5356 before Dec. 11.  

November 2019

Monday, 4: Board Meeting. 6:30 pm Goodwill Retail Store and Training Center, 3954 Mormon Coulee Rd. (corner of Losey and Mormon Coulee) . Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending. Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or to place items on the agenda.

Saturday, 9: General Membership Meeting
Propaganda in Holocaust Education
Presenter: Dr. Greg Wegner, Professor Emeritus, UWL History Dept
When: Saturday, November 9
Where: UW-L Student Union 521 East Ave N. Room 3110.  Free parking is available in the Cleary Alumni Center lot and in the parking ramp, both across the street from the student union. There is an elevator to the 3rd floor.
Cost: $12
Registration: 9:30 AM
Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Program: 10:30 AM

We have invited Dr. Greg Wegner, UW-L Retired to our November meeting.  He was a professor in the History Department and has done extensive research on the Holocaust, locating primary sources and conducting personal interviews.  Dr. Wegner was named the 2011 Wisconsin Professor of the Year.  He will share his extensive knowledge in a presentation “Propaganda in Holocaust Education”.

Dr. Wegner’s Select Bibliography on Nazi Education and Propaganda, page 1
Dr. Wegner’s Select Bibliography on Nazi Education and Propaganda, page 2

October 2019

Monday, 7: Board Meeting. 6:30 pm Goodwill Retail Store and Training Center, 3954 Mormon Coulee Rd. (corner of Losey and Mormon Coulee) . Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending. Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or to place items on the agenda.

Saturday, 12: General Membership Meeting:
Meringue! Top That!
Jen Barney
Saturday, October 12
UW-L Student Union 521 East Ave N. Room 3110.  Free parking is available in the Cleary Alumni Center lot and in the parking ramp, both across the street from the student union. There is an elevator to the 3rd floor.
Registration: 9:30 AM
Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Program: 10:30 AM

We welcome Jen Barney, twice named a champion on the Food Network. She will share her experiences competing on the TV show and bring us up-to-date on her own local busines, Meringue Bakery.

September 2019

Monday, 9: Board Meeting. 6:30 pm Goodwill Retail Store and Training Center, 3954 Mormon Coulee Rd. (corner of Losey and Mormon Coulee). Meetings are open to any member who is interested in attending. Contact Jan at: 787-5946 or to place items on the agenda.

Wednesday, 11: General Membership Meeting:
5:00-7:00 pm
Where: The Community Room at Washburn on the Park, 801 Main Street, across from the Main La Crosse Public Library. A barrier-free entrance is available from the rear of the building, off the internal parking that is available to all of us. Entrance to the Washburn parking lot is behind the building on 9th Street between Main St. and State St.
Summer in Wisconsin is coming to an end! We hope you were able to experience something personally special or extraordinary to tell fellow members at our “AAUWelcome: A Potluck Social”!
Members and guests are welcome to attend .
Included in the RSVP email you will be receiving from Robert Richardson will be a link to sign up to bring an appetizer, a salad, a dessert, or a beverage to the potluck. Eating utensils and napkins will be provided. Thank you for your contribution!
The Program Co-Chairs, Margaret Wood and Cristina Kovacs, are looking forward to greeting you at “AAUWelcome” and to tell you about the rest of the programs planned for you. They are always open to program suggestions from you as well.

Wednesday, 25: Hearth & Home
Program: Begin at River View Vineyard & Winery at 5pm 32882 County Hwy 1, La Crescent Dinner to follow at 4 Sisters Restaurant 100 Harborview Plaza #100, La Crosse
Hosts: Ellie Hundt and JoAnne Revels
RSVP: JoAnne Revels: or (608) 782-1975

Thursday, 26: AAUW In Action (AIA) meeting
1:30pm Panera Bread, Crossing Meadows, Onalaska
This coming year, we’ll be continuing several events: • International Women’s Day Panel • Women’s History Month window display • Promoting Equal Pay Day as well as looking at new & exciting happenings.
Please join us!


2018-2019 Events

July 2019

Monday, 1:  Transitional board meeting, Southside Neighborhood center, 1300 South 6th St.
5:30pm. Please bring an appetizer, salad, side dish, or dessert to share.
The purpose of this meeting is to wrap up the year that is ending and begin planning for the upcoming year (2019-2020).  Please bring files and other materials to turn over to the new officer if you are stepping down from a board position.
Please let Jan know by Friday, June 21  whether you can attend and what category of food item you plan to bring. 

May 2019

Wednesday, 1: Equal Means Equal movie
Plan to come to the La Crosse Main public library at 5:30pm to see this compelling 90 minute movie about how women are treated in the United States today. It reveals the inadequacy of present laws that claim to protect women, ultimately presenting a persuasive argument for the urgency of ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment. Janette Dean will be the after-viewing facilitator for questions and comments. Doors open at 5:15pm, movie starts at 5:30pm. FREE! REFRESHMENTS SERVED!

Monday, 6: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Thursday, 9: Scholarship reception
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Viterbo University— School of Nursing (on the corner of Jackson & 10th Streets) Registration: 5:45pm
Reception begins: 6:00pm
Program begins: 6:30pm
$10 for desserts, fruit, and beverages

Donations are welcomed to cover the cost of our recipients and their guests. In our tradition, we ask AAUW members to consider “sponsoring” a recipient (and perhaps the recipient’s guest). By covering these costs, we do not need to rely on the branch budget. You may mail a sponsorship check to our branch treasurer or you may take care of that upon your arrival at the event. Members and guests are welcome to attend the reception or just come for the program. Please indicate such when you RSVP. For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by NOON on Sunday, May 5th.

Please join us in meeting exceptional students and their families. Plan to arrive by 6:00pm to enjoy desserts and to talk individually with our recipients and meet their guests. You will recognize them by their name tags adorned with a white banner with the word “Recipient.”
When we gather the recipients for their group picture at 6:29pm, AAUW members can begin to move into Room 196, the Auditorium. Please take refreshments with you to enjoy as you hear the recipients’ stories. We ask you to sit toward the front of the auditorium and invite guests to do so as well. Individuals with mobility concerns will want to take the elevator to the basement and enter Room 196 from the bottom of the hall. Note: You will find restrooms on both the first floor and the lower level. As any of the scholarship application readers can attest, our recipients deserve this celebration! And, it provides proof that we expend valuable efforts to make the Art Fair a success.

Thursday, 23: AIA year-end wrap up potluck.
5:00pm, Erica’s house.

April 2019

Tuesday, 2: Equal Pay Pay
Our public policy interns, Jorie and Ellie, will be hosting an information and awareness table at UWL’s Whitney Hall from 11 am-1pm and from 1pm-3pm at the Student Union. In addition to handouts, they will have a computer to sign up students as e-affiliates. They will also be giving students a cookie with a bite out to represent the gender pay gap.

Monday, 8: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Friday, April 12: WINGS
We are offering the Women INterested in Going to School workshop again this year. It will be at Myrick Park Center from 8:30am1:30pm. The workshop is free, lunch is provided as is free childcare. For complete information and registration, see the WINGS tab on the home page.

Saturday, 13: General Membership Meeting
Program: Celebrate our Grants Recipients & Election of Officers
Where: UW-L Centennial Hall Hall of Nations, Room 1300
Time: Registration: 9:30 am Brunch: 10:00 am Program: 10:30 am
Cost: $12 for brunch Menu

Each year our branch recognizes the work of various community agencies whose mission closely aligns with that of AAUW— advancing the education and well-being of women. This year we will be awarding grants to seven such organizations. Please join us in meeting representatives of programs serving the diverse needs of our community. The efforts we expend to make the Art Fair a success result in these valuable rewards.
This meeting will also include the election and installation of officers for the 2019-2020 year.
Our Diversity Intern, K.C. Cayo, will present a short talk on diversity awareness and what that means for our branch


March 2019

Saturday, 2: Running Start/Elect Her Training
9:30am – 3:00pm, UWL Student Union Rm 3310
A daylong, non-partisan training for high school and college women on how to run for student government and public office. The training is free and lunch is provided. For more info, contact Kathryn Draper at

Thursday, 7: International Women’s Day program: see “Special Events” tab for complete info

Monday, 11:  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Thursday, 14: AIA meeting.  1:30pm, JavaVino, La Crosse

Saturday, 16: General Membership meeting: Joint meeting with AAUW Winona
Program: Road Trip to the Minnesota Art Museum in Winona
Date: Saturday March 16, 2019 (THIRD Saturday)
Location: MMAM (Minnesota Marine Art Museum) 800 Riverview Drive, Winona.
Gathering Museum Community Room. Welcome Desk will direct you to the
Community Room.  Registration with lunch and museum entrance fee will be collected
by Winona hosts there.
Time: • 9:00 am Meet at selected sites if you wish to carpool from La Crosse* (see below)
• 9:30 am Registration and light refreshments
• 10:00 am Welcoming followed by docent lead tour of the permanent collection &
current museum exhibits
• 10:45 am Break • 11:00 am Fellowship time with Box lunches
• 12:00 pm Adjourn.

Cost: Box Lunches or Salads $13. Lunch choices will come from Benos, a local “deli- style” eatery. Please see the March 2019 issue of The Current newsletter for your options. Your choice will need to be made when you send in your RSVP to Robert by Sunday, March 10th at NOON.  NO LATE RESERVATIONS can be accepted for this event.

Join with other members on a carpooling road trip to meet AAUW Winona Branch members, tour the Minnesota Marine Art Museum and stay (or not) to enjoy a box lunch and conversation. The Museum is home to a large variety of the greatest European and American masters.

Wednesday, 27:  Our public policy interns are staffing a Voter Information table at the UWL student union from 11am-1pm. Information about the 2 WI Supreme Court judge candidates as well as the Fair Maps referendum will be available.  Voter registration will also be there.

February 2019:

Monday, 4: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Saturday, 9: General Membership meeting
Program: A Collaborative Approach to Regional Success
Presenter: Chris Hardie CEO, 7 Rivers Alliance
When: Saturday, February 9
Where: UWL Centennial Hall, Hall of Nations, Rm 1300
Registration: 9:30 AM
Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Meeting & Program: 10:30 AM

Employers and educators across the nation are exploring new approaches to ensure the next generation is career, college and community-ready.
The February AAUW program features Chris Hardie, Chief Executive Officer of 7 Rivers Alliance. This organization focuses on regional economic development in the tri-state area, which includes La Crosse. One of their initiatives is called Inspire 7 Rivers. This initiative links education and industry to help students and job seekers achieve their goals and to address workforce development needs. Mr. Hardie will share the details of this initiative.

January 2019:

Monday, 7: Email Board meeting

Saturday, 12: General Membership meeting
Program: Creating a Resilient and Trauma Informed Community
Presenter:  Catherine Kolkmeier, Executive Director, La Crosse Medical Health Science                                      Consortium
When: Saturday, January 12
Where: Viterbo University, School of Nursing, Room 195
Registration: 9:30 AM
Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Meeting & Program: 10:30 AM

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) were called “the single greatest unaddressed public health issue in this country today” by the former president of the American Pediatrics Association. Studies have repeatedly shown that traumatic experiences are closely associated with a multitude of adult health problems.
Building resilience in both children and adults, especially through positive social relationships and empathy, helps heal the effects of trauma and can help prevent future trauma by breaking generational cycles. Our community has developed a collective framework for encouraging resilience in our schools, healthcare systems, organizations, and families. Come learn more about how you can help build community resilience by being trauma-informed.

December 2018:

Monday, 3: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Tuesday, 11: AIA  December email meeting.

Saturday, 8General Membership meeting
Program: Holiday Melodies & Cookie Walk
Presenters: The Community Carolers
When: Saturday, December 8
Registration: 9:30 AM
             Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Meeting & Program: 10:30 AM
Cookie Walk: 11:15am-12:15pm
Where:  UW-L, Centennial Hall, Room 1300 (Hall of Nations)
Cost: $12
When they last entertained us, they were known as Bella Voce but now this group is a merging of several community groups so they’re called the “Community Carolers.”  The merging groups are Bella Voce, Coulee Chordsmen, and Coulee Region Gospel Chorus.
The cookie walk concludes the brunch meeting. We will wait to begin until our musical performance concludes around 11:15. We are asking members who are able to donate 2 dozen homemade cookies for sale. Small, attractive cookies work best so that buyers may choose a variety. Holiday type cookies are encouraged!  See complete info in the newsletter. Containers provided for choosing cookies. Cost is $6/pound. Open to the community!

Wednesday, 19: Hearth & Home Holiday Dinner
Time: 5:30 pm at Savory Creations
Cost: $40, includes appetizers, the meal, dessert and wine.
Make reservations by emailing Sharon DeCicco at or call 788-5356 before Dec. 12. More information will be available when you make reservations.

November 2018:

Monday, 5  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Thursday, 8: AIA email meeting

Saturday, 10: General Membership meeting
Program: Empowering Today’s Youth: Preparing for College and Beyond
Presenter: Maggie McHugh, Teacher/Advisor and students from the La Crosse Design Institute,
La Crosse School District
When: Saturday, November 10
Where: UW-L, Centennial Hall, Room 1300 (Hall of Nations)
Cost: $12
La Crosse Design Institute (LDI) advisor, Maggie McHugh, and her students will explain their project based learning charter middle school. Specifically, the group will share how these young adolescents are becoming prepared to tackle the academic and life skills needed to be successful in college and future careers. By sharing about the design process and providing examples of personalized projects, students will articulate their growth as they manage their own learning. Come prepared with an open mind and willing heart to share your thoughts about this learning experience.
Maggie McHugh of Sparta, a sixth grade teacher and adviser at the La Crosse Design Institute, was named Wisconsin’s 2019 Middle School Teacher of the Year. McHugh is a board member of Sparta Transitions, a nonprofit that helps Wisconsin Challenge Academy graduates integrate into work, college or the armed forces, serving as a host mom to a Challenge Academy cadet. She serves on the Wisconsin Mathematics Council. She spearheaded the WMC #mathchats, a biweekly Twitter professional learning opportunity for teachers around the country. McHugh began at the La Crosse Design Institute in 2013. She earned a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from New Mexico State University. She holds bachelor and master’s degrees from UW-La Crosse.

October 2018:

Thursday, 4: AAUW In Action meeting. 4:00pm, JavaVino

Monday, 8 Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Saturday, 13: General Membership meeting
Program: Wake up Call: Signals of Substance Abuse
Presenter: Judi Zabel, Health Educator, La Crosse County Health Department
When: Saturday, October 13
Where: UW-L, Centennial Hall, Room 1300 (Hall of Nations) *NOTE: This is a CHANGE of VENUE from what is listed in the directory
Cost: $12
Have you ever wondered how a young person can become involved in drug use without parents knowing that it was happening? Our program this month may provide some helpful insights. The La Crosse County Prevention Network (LCPN), will host the “Wake Up Call”, a mobile presentation for adults 21 and over featuring a life size exhibit of a teenager’s bedroom with more than 50 red flags that can signal substance abuse. The bedroom identifies spots where teens/adults may hide drugs as well as household items that can be used as drug paraphernalia. The display will be ready for you to view when registration opens at 9:30. Come early and challenge yourself to see how many signals you can identify.
The goal of this program is to empower participants to have important conversations with youth and to provide access to resources within our community.
September 2018:

Monday, 10: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Saturday, 15: General Membership meeting
Program: Greetings! Ciao, Përshëndetje, Bună, Guten Tag, Hello! AAUW: Our mission and                      our members
When: Saturday, September 15 –THIRD Saturday
Where: Viterbo University, School of Nursing Building, Rm 195 (If you need directions, please contact Robert Richardson at 788-0595)
Cost: $12                   Menu: Eggs, meat, fruit, breads, coffee, tea
Registration: 9:30 AM
Breakfast: 10:00 AM
Program: 10:30 AM
Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch or just come for the program. Please indicate such when you RSVP. For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by NOON on Mon, September 10.

Our September meeting will be a time to welcome back our returning members as well as an opportunity for each one to invite a potential new member. You will have a chance to mix and mingle and get to know one another better. Learn why so many find AAUW brings meaningful opportunities for gaining insight into current issues and for bringing our mission to life in our community. Find out how AAUW is relevant today from a national, state, and local perspective. We look forward to seeing you!


Calendar of Events

May 2018:

Monday, 7: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Thursday, 10: Please join us in meeting exceptional students and their families as well as representatives of programs serving the diverse needs of our community.
Where: Viterbo University— School of Nursing –on the corner of Jackson and 10th Streets
Registration: 5:45pm      Reception begins: 6:00pm          Program begins: 6:30pm
Cost: $10 for desserts, fruit, and beverages Donations are welcomed to cover the cost of our recipients and their guests.
In our tradition, we ask AAUW members to consider “sponsoring” a recipient (and perhaps the recipient’s guest). By covering these costs, we do not need to rely on the branch budget. You may mail a sponsorship check to our branch treasurer or you may take care of that upon your arrival at the event.
Plan to arrive by 6:00pm to enjoy desserts and to talk individually with our recipients and meet their guests. You will recognize them by their name tags adorned with a white banner with the word “Recipient.”
When we gather the recipients for their group picture at 6:29pm, AAUW members can begin to move into Room 196, the Auditorium. Please take refreshments with you to enjoy as you hear the recipients’ stories. Individuals with mobility concerns will want to take the elevator to the basement and enter Room 196 from the bottom of the hall. Note: You will find restrooms on both the first floor and the lower level.

Wednesday, 16: Hearth & Home meeting. We will meet on Wed. May 16 to visit the Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge and then have a 6 pm dinner at Beedles in Centerville. Meet at 4:15 pm at the Centerville Curling Club to carpool to the refuge. Bring binoculars if you have them and comfortable shoes for a walk weather permitting. Please RSVP to Jane Wernecke at or 608-780-1121 by Monday, May 14 so a dinner reservation can be made.

Thursday, 31:  AIA annual year end recap potluck.  5:30pm, Erica’s house

April 2018:

Monday, 9:  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Wednesday, 11:
— First meeting of the Serbian Delegation planning committee. 1:00pm, JavaVino
— AAUW In Action meeting. 2:30pm, JavaVino.

Saturday, 14: General Membership meeting
Program:  GET GROWING! A TOUR OF WESTERN’S HORTICULTURE EDUCATION CENTER Presenter: Josh Gamer, Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs, Western Technical College When: Saturday, April 14 , 2018 Where: Western Technical College Lunda Center 319 N. 7th Street Free parking is available in any Western lot for Saturday
Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch ($10)  or just come for the program.
Please indicate such when you RSVP. 
Registration: 9:30 AM Breakfast: 10:00 AM Program: 10:30 AM
For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by NOON on Tuesday, April 10th.

If it’s springtime in Wisconsin, our thoughts are turning to cleaning up our lawns and gardens, anticipating more time outside in warmer temps, and waiting for our fresh vegetables and flowers. Join us at our April meeting to find out what’s growing in those shiny greenhouses on the Western Technical College campus. If you have an interest in the local foods movement, sustainability, or eating healthier, this program is for you!

March 2018:

Monday, 5: Board Meeting. 5:00 pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Thursday, 8: International Women’s Day Panel–see complete info under “Special Events & Programs” tab

Saturday, 10:  General Membership meeting
Program: Art That Inspires
Presenters:  AAUW Art Fair on the Green artists Marcia Newquist, Laurel Grey and Michael Holler
We are fortunate to have a panel of our Art Fair artists for our March meeting. Join us to hear what inspires their work, what media they use, and the process they follow in creating their art. In addition, Carol Robertson will share insights into the planning and execution of AAUW’s annual Art Fair.
Our artists include: • Mike Holler, a nature photographer. Mike grew up in Ohio where he lived in an area abundant in wildlife. He started taking photos of birds when he was quite young. Nature photography combines his love of the outdoors with the challenge of getting photos of beautiful birds and other wildlife. • Laurel Grey, a glasswork artist. Laurel uses her painted and kiln fired glass pieces to create three dimensional sculptures. Some of her panels have incorporated up to seven layers of glass, painted front and back. • Marcia Newquist, a jewelry artist. Marcia designs each piece of jewelry using a variety of mediums, intertwining metal, clay and beadwork to create a stunning statement. Marcia’s passion for her work leads her to try new methods and designs.
When: Saturday, March 10th
Registration: 9:30 AM ; Breakfast: 10:00 AM ;  Program: 10:30 AM

Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch ($10)  or just come for the program.  Please indicate such when you RSVP. For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by NOON on Monday, March 5th.

February 2018:

Monday, 5: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

THURSDAY, 8: General Membership meeting
Program: A Recipe for Heart Health
Presenter: Viterbo University Dietetic Students
Where: Viterbo University School of Nursing 2nd floor Food Science Lab
Cost: $10 for a light meal. Please note: “Program only” option is not available for this event.
For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by NOON on February 5th.
Registration ……… 4:45pm-5:15pm            Program ………….. 5:15pm-7:00pm

Learn how to lower your risk for heart disease. Viterbo University dietetic students will present an interactive session on lifestyle changes that protect heart health. They will involve us in preparation of a light “heart healthy” meal.
Join us for an evening of a ” hands on” activity that could make a positive difference in your life! Although heart disease may often be thought of as a problem for men, heart disease is the most common cause of death for both women and men in the United States.
Women of all ages should take heart disease seriously. Lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of heart disease can often be difficult, including eating a diet of whole grains, a variety of fruits and vegetables, lowfat or fat-free dairy products, and lean meats.
The dietetics students will share ways to incorporate these changes into one’s daily diet.

January 2018:

Monday, 8: Email board meeting.  Agenda sent out by Michele.

Saturday, 13: General Membership meeting
Program: The Backyard You Didn’t Know You Had
Presenter:  Maureen Kinney; founding member, board member and Mississippi Valley
Conservancy attorney
Where:   Viterbo School of Nursing, Room 195
Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch ($10)  or just come for the program.
Please indicate such when you RSVP. For late reservations or cancellations, please call
Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by NOON on January 8th.
Registration ………………….9:30 AM Breakfast …………………….10:00AM
Program ……………………..10:30AM
We always say our area provides great recreational opportunities, but I wonder how many of us know what the Mississippi Valley Conservancy provides us for recreation. Wisconsin author Ben Logan, who wrote The Land Remembers, always said, “If you save the land, you save the people.”  Mississippi Valley Conservancy is a non-profit land trust organization centered in the Driftless area of Wisconsin. Our goal is to protect native lands and farmlands from development and destruction so that they may be preserved for future generations to enjoy. Our mission is “conserving native habitats and farmlands through voluntary action, for the health and well-being of current and future generations.”
Mississippi Valley Conservancy helps to conserve the land and promote conservation in three separate ways: outreach and education, land protection, and land management. We build outreach and education through a number of programs.
Tuesday, 16:  AAUW In Action (AIA) email meeting

December 2017:

Monday, 4: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Saturday, 9: General Membership meeting.
Program: Holiday Memories with the La Crosse Madrigal Singers
                  Cookie Walk fundraiser  11:15am -1:15pm
Where:  UWL Centennial Hall, Hall of Nations
We are asking each member who is able to donate 2 dozen cookies or candies or a loaf of holiday bread for the cookie walk. Small attractive cookies work best. If you cannot attend on Dec. 9, items can be dropped off on Dec. 7 or 8 at Lois’s house, and a cookie walk elf will get your donation to the cookie walk.

Tuesday, 19:  AAUW In Action Email meeting

November 2017:

Friday, 3:  Hearth & Home:  Dark La Crosse Radio Show Performance
7:30 pm         $15.00
Location: The Pump House
Join us in learning about the seedier side of La Crosse’s past in this stage production in the format of an old-time radio show.
Interested in joining us? Please contact Sharon DeCicco at 788-5356 or
sharon.decicco@gmail. com.

Monday, 6:  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Saturday, 11 : General Membership meeting.
Program:  Caring For Women Veterans
Presenter: Natalie Hackbarth, RN

Where: Viterbo University Brophy Center, Rm 123 (Dahl School of Business) The most convenient parking would be on 10th Street in front of the building or across the street in Mayo’s parking lot.

Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch or just come for the program. Please indicate such when you RSVP.
For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by NOON on Monday, November 6th.

Registration ………………….9:30 AM
Breakfast …………………….10:00AM ; cost: $10
Program ……………………..10:30AM

Natalie Hackbarth’s career as a nurse has encompassed roles such as neurology nurse, Certified Multiple Sclerosis Nurse, Cancer Center manager, assistant to the creator of an Amish genetics clinic in LaFarge, Wisconsin and currently the Associate Chief Nurse for Mental Health at the Tomah VA Medical Center. Academically she has earned her Master’s Degree in Nursing Leadership and Management. Along with her career in nursing, Natalie served in the Army Reserve for 10 years which now is displayed as her passion for caring for Veterans.

Tuesday, 14:  AIA meeting.   Cabin Coffee (1202 Cty Rd PH, Onalaska)

Wednesday, 15:  Start Smart Salary Negotiation workshop.  See details under “Special Events”

October 2017:

Monday, 9:  Board Meeting,  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 502

Saturday, 14:    General Membership meeting.
Program:  Update: Ending Homelessness in La Crosse
Presenters include:
• Sister Karen Neuser, FSPA
•Erin Healy, NY consultant hired by Gundersen Health System
•Julia McDermid, Project Manager of the Collaborative
• Joan Waniger, Co-Director of The Exchang

Where: UW-La Crosse, Centennial Hall, Room 1300  (Hall of Nations)
Registration 9:30 AM
Breakfast 10:00AM             cost: $10
Program 10:30AM
Members and guests are welcome to attend the brunch or just come for the program.                                  Please indicate such when you RSVP.
For late reservations or cancellations, please call Robert Richardson at 788-0595 by                                   NOON on Monday, October 9th.

We are fortunate to have with us for our October meeting a panel of bold innovators and change agents from The Collaborative to End Homelessness in La Crosse. The group is comprised of over 30 community organizations and community members working together to better the lives of those facing homelessness. In consultation with Erin Healy from New York, the collaborative set ambitious goals to end veteran and chronic homelessness. The first goal to house all veterans in 100 days was achieved last Christmas. The second “sprint” was achieved on August 24th when the 20th person experiencing chronic homelessness signed a lease for housing. Join us to hear their progress report and future goals for our community.

September 2017:

Wednesday, 6:   General Membership meeting.  Cocktails and Conversations.
5-7 pm
Washburn on the Park Apartments 801 Main Street, La Crosse
Reception Cost: Free
Menu: Variety of appetizers, wine and non-alcoholic beverages provided by members
• Sign in at 5:00 p.m.
• Appetizers and meet and greet begin at 5:00 p.m.
• Presentation and conversations begin at 6:00 p.m.

To place your reservation for this event, please respond to your email or caller person by Sunday, Sept. 3. Due to the invitation members may extend to guests for this free program, late reservations will also be accepted. Please call Lois Gilbert at (608)782-7204 for cancellations or late reservations.  Because the appetizers and beverages will be free for this meeting, please tell Lois at (608) 782-7204 if you can bring an appetizer or beverage to this gathering.

“Cocktails & Conversations” will be a celebration of our successful 2017 Art Fair on the Green as well as a celebration of our new members. This event is an opportunity for each one of our members to bring one so that each current AAUW member is welcome to invite a potential new member, at no cost, to a fun and casual event to introduce our organization. We also wish to thank all of our friends and relatives who helped work on art fair weekend, so please invite the same people you recruited as volunteers to this Sept. 6 meet and greet.

Register to win one of six fabulous door prizes and draw a name of another guest you can introduce yourself to, and then share with this person how you participate in AAUW La Crosse activities and projects. Find out what online access to AAUW La Crosse and national AAUW can offer you at this event.

Tuesday, 12: AAUW In Action (AIA) meeting,  2pm, JavaVino.


Calendar of Events

May 2017:

Monday, 1:  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

Thursday, 4: Scholarship & Grants Reception, 5pm-7:30pm
Where: Viterbo School of Nursing, Atrium
Please join us in meeting exceptional students and their families as well as representatives of programs serving the diverse needs of our community.

Thursday, May 5, 2017
Viterbo’s School of Nursing.
Reception begins at 5:00pm,   Program begins at 5:35pm

Cost: $10 for appetizers, desserts, beverages.
For cancellations and late reservations please call Silvana Richardson at 608-788-0595 by NOON on MONDAY, May 2nd.
Donations are welcomed to cover the cost of our recipients and their guests.

April 2017:

Monday, 3: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

Saturday, 8: General Membership meeting
Program: Human Trafficking by the La Crosse Taskforce to Eradicate Modern Slavery
Presenter: Marlene Weisenbeck, FSPA,
Installation of Officers for 2017-2018
Where: The new UWL Student Union.  Free parking in Lot C-12, right across from the Union.

Breakfast Cost: $10
Breakfast Menu: Eggs, bacon, pancakes, bread, fruit, coffee, tea

Please note: Anyone with dietary restrictions should notify the person taking reservations.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM
For cancellations and late reservations please inform Lois Gilbert by NOON on
MONDAY, April 5th.
Join us for more information, to learn the signs for recognizing a person in jeopardy, and to take home free resources on human trafficking. Find out what you can do to help. If you would like more background reading prior to our April meeting, the La Crosse Tribune did an excellent in-depth article on the La Crosse Task Force entitled, “An urgent call to action,” in their January 7, 2017 edition and it can be found by googling “La Crosse task Force Continues Fight Against Human Trafficking”.

Thursday, April 13:  WINGS (Women INterested in Going to School): a pre-college program offering educational and financial options to schools in our area. 8:30am-1:30pm. Pre-registration required: see the WINGS link on the main page of this site for registration and more information.

March 2017:

Monday, 6:  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

Saturday, 11:  General Membership meeting
Program: Joint Meeting with the Winona AAUW branch;  Tour of the Wakins Museum & store    and lunch at the Blue Heron
Where: Our tour begins at 10am at Watkins Heritage Museum and Gift Shop, 150 Liberty St.,
Winona, MN.
Carpooling: Those who are carpooling should meet no later than 8:45am at either the K-Mart
parking lot on the south side (Lois will be there to coordinate) or the parking lot between Office Depot and Pier One in Onalaska (Michele will be there to coordinate).

Join us for an educational and exciting tour of the Watkins Museum and Store.  We’ll learn about the unique architecture of the building and we will learn all about Watkins which has made Winona so well known for the products they make for health and home.
RSVP by Saturday, March 4th.

Wednesday, March 8: International Women’s Day celebration. 5pm-7:30pm, UW La Crosse; Centennial Hall, Hall of Nations.  Hear from women from Bulgaria, China, Iceland, Syria and Ukraine speak about their personal journeys and what it’s like to be bold in their country of origin.  Free admission, free parking in lot C-10 and refreshments starting at 5pm.

February 2017:

Monday, 6:  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

Saturday, 11: General Membership meeting
Program: Thea’s Song by Charlene Smith, FSPA
Where: Assisi Room of the Franciscan Spirituality Center
912 Market Street
Parking available in the lot across the street
Breakfast Cost: $10
Breakfast Menu: Eggs, meat, potatoes, bread, fruit, coffee, tea

Please note: Anyone with dietary restrictions should notify the person taking reservations.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM
For cancellations and late reservations please inform Robert Richardson by NOON on
MONDAY, February, 6th.

Join us in celebrating African American History Month with Sr. Charlene Smith who will share with us the story of beloved Thea Bowman, FSPA. Thea Bowman, was one of the great treasures of the American Catholic church. As a Franciscan Sister, she managed, in her manifold witness to the gospel, to integrate the resources of her Catholic faith with her identity as an African-American woman. Ablaze with the spirit of love, the memory of struggle, and a faith in God’s promises, she impressed her many audiences not just with her message but with her nobility of spirit. No one she encountered, whether school children, college students, cynical journalists, or a convention hall of bishops, could fail to catch a measure of her joy and gratitude for the gift of life.
She was a particular inspiration to the black-skinned Catholic community, helping them to assert their place of pride among the people of God, while also encouraging them to enrich the wider church with the gifts of their distinctive culture and spirituality.

January 2017:

 January’s Board Meeting will be an email meeting. Michele will send out the agenda and board members can respond with their reports which will be compiled into one report after the meeting.

Saturday, 14: General Membership meeting:
Program: La Crosse; A Look Into the Future by Jason Gilman, La Crosse City Planner
Where: Viterbo School of Nursing, Room 195
Brunch: $10
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM
RSVP DEADLINE: For cancellations and late reservations, please call Silvana at 608-788-0595 by NOON on MONDAY, January 9th.

The City of La Crosse is enjoying a burst of growth in building, in economic development, and in increased cooperation and collaboration with adjacent communities. This growth is evident around us and in the news regularly. To get the scoop on the plan for our city, and find out what is happening next and where we are going, please join us in welcoming the person in the know, City Planner Jason Gilman, at our January meeting. It is easy to catch the excitement about growth and change when you hear Jason talk about our joint future. How does our city planning intersect with social justice issues, historic preservation, and projections for growth in our city? Any citizen can take a look at City plans at any time by going to the City of La Crosse website and looking over the plans. Just go to and you can look at the plans and think about what you would like to ask our expert speaker at our January meeting. Hope to see you at this important presentation.

December 2016:

Monday, 5: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

Saturday, 10: General Membership meeting:
Program: Humorous Holiday Stories by Michael Scott, La Crosse Storyteller
Where: Viterbo School of Nursing, Room 195
Brunch: $10
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM
RSVP DEADLINE: For cancellations and late reservations, please call Silvana at 608-788-0595 by NOON on MONDAY, December 5th

Michael Scott is an actor, writer, teacher, and storyteller and is the creator and host of the Old
School Variety Show which has been performed in the Grand Hotel Ballroom above the Pearl Ice Cream Parlor.  You and your guest(s)! are in for a relaxing and holiday-infused December program as Michael will share family stories, a little Garrison Keillor humor, impersonations of famous people, an unusual version of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”, and a sneak preview of the upcoming production of Santaland Diaries.

November 2016:

Monday,7:  Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

Saturday, 12:  General Membership meeting
Program: Kosovo: Our Story by the visiting Kosovo Delegation
Where: UWL Centennial Hall
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM
RSVP DEADLINE:  For late reservations or cancellations, please call Silvana at 788-0595 by
NOON on Monday, November 7, 2016.

Six delegates from the Republic of Kosovo will share experiences related to domestic violence and victim rights. The delegation includes a judge, a victim advocate, several prosecutors and a senior legal officer from the Ministry of Justice.
Kosovo’s Parliament recently adopted a crime victim compensation law.
The government is still determining its proper implementation.
The delegation is visiting La Crosse as part of an exchange program through the Open World Leadership Center arranged through World Services of La Crosse.
Our chapter of AAUW is the host organization for this week long program: “Domestic/Gender Based Violence: Victim’s Rights and Compensation.”

Tuesday, 22: AAUW In Action meeting.  1:30pm.  JavaVino, 2311 State Rd.  Everyone welcome!

October 2016:

Monday, 3: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103
Saturday, 8: General Membership meeting:
Presenters:    Kosovo: My Story  By Dr. Lema Kabashi, UWL Professor
                                       Election Update By Deb Lutjen, League of Women Voters
Where:  Cartwright Center, UWL, Ward Room
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM
RSVP DEADLINE:  For late reservations or cancellations, please call Silvana at 788-0595 by
NOON on Monday, October 3rd.

We are fortunate to have two presenters for the October meeting. Dr. Lema Kabashi, assistant professor of Education at UW-La Crosse will share her personal story as a native of Kosovo. Deb Lutjen from the League of Women Voters will prepare us with updates on the November elections. Wearing her “other hat” Deb will share information from World Services about the November visit with the delegation from Kosovo.

September 2016:
Tuesday, 6: Board Meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103
Thursday, 8: General Membership meeting.  Cocktails and Conversations.
5-7 pm
Where: RiverPlace Apartments 1 Riverplace Drive, La Crosse
Reception Cost: Free
Menu: Variety of appetizers, wine and non-alcoholic beverages
• Sign in at 5:00 p.m.
• Appetizers and meet and greet begin at 5:00 p.m.
• Presentation and conversations begin at 6:00 p.m.
“Cocktails and Conversations” will be a celebration of new AAUW members as well as an opportunity for each one to bring one so that each current AAUW member is welcome to invite a potential new member, at no cost, to a fun and casual setting where women’s issues will be discussed. In order to also thank all of our friends and relatives who helped during the
art fair weekend, members are encouraged to invite the same folks they recruited to help at the air fair to this no cost September 8th meet and greet event.
Find out how AAUW is relevant today and how you can be involved in a variety of AAUW activities. Enjoy this chance to meet and mingle and network with local AAUW members and learn about the mission of AAUW as well as the achievements of AAUW La Crosse Branch and AAUW national.
Register to win a door prize and pick a question from a hat to get an AAUW member to answer. This is your time to ask questions and find out why so many others in the area have been drawn to the AAUW mission and experience. Find out what online access to the La Crosse Branch AAUW and national AAUW can offer you.


2015- 2016

August 2015:
31:  Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

September 2015:

10: Thursday.   General meeting.  Registration: 5:00pm; Food & Socializing 5-5:45pm; Program 5:45pm      Viterbo University School of Nursing Foyer and Room 195.  Cost $10.
Modern Motherhood: A Look at the Development of Motherhood in the US
.      Presented by Dr. Jodi Vandeberg-Daves, UWL Dept of Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies.

October 2015:

5: Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

8: AAUW In Action meeting.  11am – 12pm, Moka Coffee shop, 127 West Ave N, La Crosse, WI

10: General meeting.
  Integrative Therapies of La Crosse – A Franciscan Approach to Community Healing.
Presenters: Panel of Holistic Therapy practitioners
When: Saturday, October 10, 2015
Where: Assisi Room, Franciscan Spirituality Center, 920 Market Street, La Crosse, WI
Parking located in the paved lot across the street from the center
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM

November 2015:

9:Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103.

14General meeting 
Military Cultural Awareness and Female Veterans
       Presenter: Joseph Reis, Logistics Health Inc.
Where:  Viterbo School of Nursing, Room 195
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM

17: AAUW In Action meeting.  10:30am, JavaVino, 2311 State Rd.  Everyone welcome!

December 2015:

7: Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

9:  Hearth & Home meeting:
Join us for our annual Savory Creations dinner event!
When: Wednesday, Dec. 9th, 2015
Time: 6:30pm
Place: S a v o r y C r e a t i o n s ,  1230 Calendonia St. La Crosse
Cost: $30. Menu includes: smoked salmon croquettes with lemon dill creme, pan seared
pork tenderloin with Door County cherry and carmelized shallot chutney,
rosemary roasted red potatoes with cracked pepper oil, a veggie, beverage,
hot apple cider and infused water.
Hosts: Sharon De Cicco & Phyllis Miletto
Please RSVP to Sharon at 608- 788-5356 or

12General meeting 
Holiday Music by The Jingle Belles and Handmade Christmas Card Collection
Where: Viterbo School of Nursing, Room 195
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM

RSVP DEADLINE: For cancellations or late reservations please call Silvana Richardson at 608-788-0595 by NOON on MONDAY, December 7th.

THE JINGLE BELLES, Weber, Trina Schlifer and Leithold, have been members the Coulee Region Gospel for more than 15 years.  Today they will be sharing a collection of standard and contemporary songs of the season.

Sue Heuer’s collection of handmade Christmas cards made by former Roosevelt Elementary kindergarten teacher, Gretchen Mader, will be on display.

If you would like to bring a few holiday cookies we will sharing these as part of our brunch. Please do not feel pressured at this hectic time of year to do this.

January 2016:

Board meeting will be held via email

9: General meeting
              Neighborhood Response Program
Presenter:  SGT Andy Dittman, La Crosse Police Dept.
Where: Viterbo School of Nursing; Room 195
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM

Sgt. Andy Dittman will be the speaker for our Jan. 9th meeting. He will be focusing on the
Neighborhood Response Program. Sgt. Dittman has a degree in Criminal Justice from UW-Eau Claire and has been a law enforcement officer in WI since 2001. He joined the La Crosse Police Department 8 years ago. As part of his duties he supervises the four officers working in the Washburn Neighborhood and the Lower Depot Neighborhood: Daniel Ulrich, Andrew Tolvstad, Tyler Pond and Dale Gerbig. He will be providing information on how the neighborhood resource officer program started and what kind of role it is playing in the community.

14: AAUW In Action: email meeting

February 2016:

8: Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

10: Hearth & Home meeting:
Annual Hearth and Home Valentine’s Party
Date: Wed., February 10th
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: Patt Boge’s house: 219 S. 21st St. La Crosse

Bring a dish to pass that’s either heart-shaped or served in a heart-shaped dish. If it’s red, that’s a bonus. Also bring an inexpensive (maximum $10) red or heart-shaped gift to exchange. New members are welcome! Q u e s t i o n s ? C a l l P a t t B o g e a t 7 8 4 – 3 9 5 2 o r

13: General meeting 
Love in an Envelope
Presenter: Marilyn Hempstead, AAUW La Crosse branch member
Where:  UWL Cartwright Center; Ward Room
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM

Valentine customs have their origins in ancient Rome and the legend of St. Valentine. Our own Marilyn Hempstead will go through the evolution of Valentine greetings from then through the Middle Ages to the present showing how they were a reflection of the life and times of each era. Featured will be images from her extensive collection of Valentines along with a display.

18: AAUW In Action meeting.  email meeting.

March 2016 (Women’s History Month

 9: Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

10: Women’s International Day Panel Discussion, 5:00pm social; 5:30pm program,  UWL,
Centennial Hall. Free.
A coalition of organizations & university departments joins our AAUW La Crosse Branch in co-sponsoring an International Women’s Day celebration.International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world annually on March 8th. The theme for 2016 is Pledge for Parity and the focus of our presentation is Women’s Rights. The World Economic Forum has predicted that will take until 2133 to achieve global gender parity. Read more and take the pledge to take a concrete step to help achieve gender parity more quickly at:

Mark your calendar to hear panelists from the Congo, Malaysia and Sweden discuss what they’ve experienced for women’s rights in their country or origin and how it compares to what they’ve experienced in the US. This will be the 4th annual program in La Crosse that AAUW has initiated to commemorate this special day.

Sponsoring organizations are AAUW La Crosse, YWCA, League of Women Voters of La Crosse, World Services of La Crosse, Gundersen Global Partners, International Women’s Group of La Crosse, UW-L Office of International Education, UW-L Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Dept., the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, Viterbo University and WTC.

12: General meeting
Women Writers Ink: A Passion for the Written Word
Presenters: Panel of women writers from the Coulee Region
When: Saturday, March 12, 2016
Where: Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall, UWL   Please note change of meeting place!
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM

Women Writers Ink is a community of writers. Formed in 1998, the organization runs writing critique groups and holds reading and workshops.
Their presentation will include a history of the organization and a rundown of its current activities. Writers Heidi Blanke, Susan Schuyler, and Joanne Adragna Shird will also share their own writing journeys and offer guidance on how you might start your own writing journey.

April 2016:

4: Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

9: General meeting 
You Too Can be a Good Judge of Art!
Presenter: Jennifer Terpstra, UWL Professor
Where: UWL Cartwright Center; Ward Room
Brunch: $10.
Members who do not wish to come to the brunch are welcome to attend the program
portion at no charge.
Registration………………….9:30 AM

“Materials + Meaning” will explore ways of experiencing and analyzing works of art, including both historical and contemporary examples. We will discuss a range of work from representational to abstract, decorative to functional, and discover resources and venues available locally and regionally.

12:  Equal Pay Day Event   Natalie Leuck, our UW-L AAUW Public Policy Intern, has arranged a table inside the front doors of the Cartwright Center on April 12 from 10:00 – 2:00.  AAUW and UW-L students will pass out cookies with a piece cut out to represent the bite out of women’s wages, and we will distribute information about the gender pay gap.  Equal Pay Day will also be displayed on the neon sign at the front of the Cartwright.
If you are willing to supply some cookies for this event, please contact Betty Kruck,, or Carlene Roberts,  Please stop in at the Cartwright and see our display, banner, and pink Equal Pay Day t-shirts.

15:  AAUW In Action meeting. 
1:00 pm, Great Harvest Bread Company, 58 Copeland Ave.  Everyone welcome!

28: WINGS Workshop  WINGS (Women INterested in Going to School) will be Thurs, April 28 at the Myrick EcoPark Center from 8:30am-1:30pm.  Branch members are invited to help by providing snacks & lunch; a sign-up sheet will be available at the April 9th general meeting.
Registration is open now thru April 22nd.  Forms are online at our website: or by emailing us at for more info. Cost is free and childcare is provided.

May 2016

2: Board meeting. 6:30pm, Viterbo School of Nursing, Rm 103

5: Thursday evening.  Scholarship & Grant meeting
Reception and Presentation of Scholarships and Grants
When: Thursday, May 5, 2016
Where: Viterbo University School of Nursing
Reception in the Lobby
Program in Room 196
Cost: $10 for appetizers, dessert, and beverages
(Note: You can bring these with you into Room 196)
Donations are welcome to cover the cost for our recipients and their guests.

Please plan to join us on May 5, 2016, at Viterbo’s School of Nursing.
Please plan to arrive at 5pm to enjoy hors d’oeuvrs and to talk individually with our recipients.
You will recognize them by by their name tags adorned with a white banner with the word “Recipient.”
In our tradition, we ask AAUW members to consider “sponsoring” a recipient (and perhaps the recipient’s guest). By covering these costs, we do not need to rely on the branch budget. You may mail a sponsorship check to our branch treasurer or you may take care of that upon your arrival at the event.
When we gather the recipients for their group picture at 5:23pm, AAUW members can begin to move into Room 196. You may take refreshments with you.
For the program part, to hear the recipients’ stories, we will move into Room 196 (adjacent to our usual meeting room). Individuals with mobility concerns will want to take the elevator to the basement and enter Room 196 from the bottom of the hall. Note: You will find restrooms on that lower level.
As any of the scholarship application readers can attest, our recipients deserve this celebration!


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