Take Action

Below is a sample letter to the editor, which contains our AAUW-Wisconsin board statement:

To the Editor:

It is with great sadness and outrage that we continue to read the news of the subjugation, violence, and murder of women around the world, most recently in Iran and Afghanistan.

The AAUW Wisconsin State Board (American Association of University Women), and many of our state branches and members, want the women to know that we stand with them in their quest for human rights, safety, and dignity.

Our state board voted on the following statement:

We, AAUW Wisconsin State Board, stand with women and girls across the world, especially our Iranian and Afghan sisters, for their right to education, the pursuit of happiness, self-determination, and safety.


Maggie Winz, AAUW-Wisconsin President

For more information see our website: https://aauw-wi.aauw.net